Be Separate O’ people of God – 2 Cor. 6:11 – 7:1

This message seeks to teach on the importance that true Bible believing and born again Christian need to be separated from the practices of this world. Yes the believer is in the world but he is not of the world and therefore we must not associate with unbelievers, darkness, unrighteousness, belial and lawlessness but he must rather be separated for and by the gospel. There are false movements in the church today that teach false doctrines including but not exclusive such as Bethel Church, Hillsong church, elevation church, the new Apostolic reformation, the prosperity gospel and the Word of Faith gospel. These are false movements and teach a false gospel and want to teach inclusivism which is antithetical to the scriptures. As a side note be careful of people promoting unity at the expense of doctrine like Roman Catholicism which teaches this heresy. This scripture of 2 Cor. 6:11 – 7:1 and is extremely important when understanding separation and living lives for the Lord Jesus Christ . May you be blessed by this message

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