Obedience and Separation a Common Theme – Exodus 23

In this message we look at exodus chapter 23 and the moral the laws given by almighty God to Israel whereby they ought to separate themselves from the Pagan nations around them. Firstly we will look at dispensing justice fairly and being Christlike in Christ minded in our conduct, then we will look at the Sabbath and the Sabbath rest and how important that is for us as believers. It is where we get nourished, fed, and where we can meet with one another in the body of Christ to glorify the name of Jesus. We then look at the three feasts that men were to attend annually, and we look at the fulfillments of those feasts by Christ and the soon fulfillment of the feast of tabernacles or the feast of in gathering where at the end of the tribulation. Jesus will gather those who believe in Him to Tabernacle with Him. Lastly, we look at the Angel of the Lord going ahead of Israel and how this is a Pre-incarnate Christ and then we closed the application for us as Christians today. May the Lord bless you with this message.

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