Ministry Update – The Fourie’s in Los Angeles

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry”

 The Apostle Paul

Good day Friends, I trust you are all well and I greet you in the precious name of Jesus, the Saviour of the world! It has been a while since I have written, and I would love to give you an update as to how it is going in Los Angeles with us. The last three months have been a blessing and I am in awe of how faithful the Lord is in our times of need. Kelly and I moved into an RV / fifth wheel for three months which was fully kitted out with room, shower, kitchen, lounge, and Tele. In this process we met two of the most humble people John and Debbie Rottuno who have become like parents to us. They took us in like their own and we have become extremely close. This can only be by the guidance of the Lord, and we are extremely grateful to Him for putting them in our lives.


The Fourie’s and the Rotunno’s

We have had record rainfall in Los Angeles and California which has transformed a desert looking area into what seems a tropical oasis. We both know that’s not the case, but the rain really makes the hills and city areas come alive with the greenery. The state of California still has snow on the higher mountainous areas which is starting to melt as there was record snowfall too in many areas. This melting will fill many of the rivers and this can only be grace from the Lord, proving His provision over and over.

Also, Kelly and I took a drive to San Diego during this time to look at an electric bike (trike) that could maybe be of use for me as I am very keen to join her when running and hiking but the bike was a no go for a few reasons one being that I Cannot ride it due to a weakened core. It is electric but needs balancing skills so that wont work all too well. This was a front wheel trike, so 2 wheels closely fitted together with one at the back. I spent much time looking for options and have ordered a trike with two rear wheels and will send pics when it arrives, but in the meantime check this out why I cannot ride the first option:

For everyone who knows me well knows that I am a meat eater and take serious the fact that we can eat meat and enjoy that what the Lord God has provided for us. We were introduced to Krash who is a brother in Christ. He has a Saturday BBQ at his house called Smokey Sermon, check this out. We enjoyed our meal with our new friends Mike, Christine and Nick.

Sun Valley Community church has had a few additions to the family, and I ask that you pray not only for them but for each and every person who enters our doors. The church owns a parsonage which Kelly and I have now moved into and by God’s grace we are settling down nicely. It is much more than we need, and we are grateful for the Lord’s provision and pray that it is a house where the Lord Jesus Christ is exalted, worshiped and praised.

Update on the Ministry

Moving onto the ministry, the time has come where 6 months have already past and I am now by God’s grace an elder of Sun Valley Community church with a teaching, preaching and pastoral role. Biblically, a pastor forms a part of the eldership and he shepherd’s the local church of God as an under shepherd who nurtures, cares for, and feeds the flock. It is an honour for me to serve the Lord God in this capacity and I covet every prayer as I continue to pastor Sun Valley Community Church. As a team Kelly and I are responsible for the operations of the church as well as discipling every-one who comes through the doors of SVCC, equipping them for the work of the ministry (Eph 4:12). Each one who has been born-again and placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord, Saviour and Redeemer has a special part to play in the local assembly. I find we are the most fruitful as believers when we are serving God and not serving our own flesh and desires. Pray for us as we strive to be faithful to the calling of God.

Below is a certficate of ordination for the purposes of the state and the local church.

Lastly, Below are our YouTube and Facebook pages should you want to Subscribe and become a part of the community even though you are far away.



We miss each and every one of you and love your dearly!

Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works
Which You have done;
And Your thoughts toward us
Cannot be recounted to You in order;
If I would declare and speak of them,
They are more than can be numbered

Psalm 40:5

6 comments on “Ministry Update – The Fourie’s in Los Angeles

  1. Bev Smith says:

    All praise and Glory to God Jeandre and Kelly. Congratulations on your ordination Jeandre Very proud of you. Extremely proud of you both. Thanks be to God for John and Debbie Rattunno as well Ron and I wish you both every success in your new Ministry.. We know that you are both walking with and serving our Father in Heaven.

    1. jeandrefourie says:

      Thanks Bev! Yes the Lord is good and His mercies endure forever.

      1. Zandre Ras says:

        Thinking about you lots, miss you guys.
        It’s so great to see your faces!
        Keep living for the Lord!

  2. Sharon says:

    So awesome to see you and Kelly thriving in Sun Valley, the church community that the Lord has placed you. Thank you for sharing the wonderful things you ate busy doing and the Lord’s blessing on your life and ministry.
    Miss you só bad but also extremely happy for you! Praying for the Lord’s blessing on everything you do Juandré & Kelly ❣️

    1. jeandrefourie says:

      Miss you too Sharon, hope all is well and thank you for the prayers. We are praying for you. Keep strong and near the Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. Linda says:

    Wonderful to read about your experiences Jeandre and Kelly, and how the Lord has blessed and kept you! May He continue to make His face to shine upon you 🙏 Thank you for sharing! L&M

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