Ministry Update – The Fourie’s in Los Angeles [10 April 2024]
As we have come through Resurrection Sunday I would love to write and give an update on how things are going here in Sun Valley, Los Angeles. We had the opportunity to go on vacation about a month and a half ago which was an absolute blessing and Kelly and I got to spend some much needed time together. We also explored some of the beautiful parts of America. After prayer and consideration we decided to stay in America for our holiday. We wanted to come to South Africa and visit friends and family but I am still waiting for my new passport and did not want to complicate anything on either departure from South Africa or arrival/entry back into America.
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Ministry Update – The Fourie’s in Los Angeles [31 October 2023]
I have not written in ages and sincerely apologize for that. It has been an exceptionally busy 6 months since I last wrote so here is an update on how we are doing. By the Lord’s grace all is well and we are strong in the power of His might. We have settled into our home which has been and still is an absolute blessing. We have also had two sets of visitors from South Africa already which has been great and it was awesome seeing them and having some good fellowship together. It was very encouraging!
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Ministry Update – The Fourie’s in Los Angeles [13 May 2023]
Good day Friends, I trust you are all well and I greet you in the precious name of Jesus, the Saviour of the world! It has been a while since I have written, and I would love to give you an update as to how it is going in Los Angeles with us. The last three months have been a blessing and I am in awe of how faithful the Lord is in our times of need. Kelly and I moved into an RV / fifth wheel for three months which was fully kitted out with room, shower, kitchen, lounge, and Tele. In this process we met two people John and Debbie who have become like parents to us as we miss our families back home. They took us in like their own and we have become extremely close. This can only be by the guidance of the Lord, and we are extremely grateful to Him for putting them in our lives.
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Testimony Update – 23 Feb 2023
Hebrews 3:15
I was reminded of something amazing this week folks! I was reminded of a picture of a dead man walking. Have you ever seen a dead man walking? I suppose your answer would be “well obviously not”! I would however love to challenge each and every one of us today that there are millions of dead men and woman walking all around us. You see folks there are two types of people in this world. Those who are alive unto Jesus Christ and those who are dead and aimlessly lost. Not only spiritually dead and out of fellowship and relationship with God but eternally dead, separated from God forever.
You are probably wondering what reminded me of this reality? Well two days ago on the 21st February 2023, I was reminded of an accident that I had 8 Years ago to the day.
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Week 7 & 8 Blog Update (4 Jan 2023)
Interesting times lie ahead folks I’m sure of that! I believe we are coming to a crossroads with regard to biblical Christianity and what I will call moralistic religiosity. Moralism I believe is where individuals and societies put constraints on one another as they attempt to create an “atmosphere” of right and wrong according to their likes and dislikes. Many such societies receive their guidance from biblical principles and believe that living as closely to the bible as they possibly can without being conformed to the requirements of God’s Son the Lord Jesus Christ will advance their greatest needs in life without accountability. Therefore individual’s as long as they have not been harmed by various “injustices” will desire to have morals and principles that they ordain as right leading to relativism. Relativism is one of the evils of our day because it makes truth and experiences subjective and seeks to deny God and His overwhelming revelation to us.
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Week 5 & 6 (Blog Update)
The grace and love of our Lord Jesus never cease to amaze me. It is that personal saving relationship that the Christian is offered when he comes to faith in who Jesus is and trusts in the atoning work of the cross. It is here where the skeptic is met with many conflicts in his heart, soul, and mind in understanding the need for Jesus’ incarnation, death, burial, and resurrection, which then takes us to the very question of our existence and why we are who we are. Every philosopher and every worldview needs to answer four extremely important questions coherently and logically and those are origin, meaning, morality and destiny. That means we need to consider:
- Where are we from?
- Why are we here?
- Where do we get a unique sense of morality from?
- Where are we going when we die?
11/ 28/2022 ⇒ Week 3 & 4 ⇐
First up I must say since our last blog contact that we have had a very eventful ten days and obviously a blessed one at that too! To everyone reading this back home we have to confess that we were in Johannesburg. Please don’t be upset and offended but our time was limited and we could not make enough time to visit everybody. The only difference being that we were in the Mojave Desert around 16,000 kilometres from home in a small gold mining town called Johannesburg. There are three towns here that are closely situated together and are all either gold and silver mines. Interestingly, the names Johannesburg and Randsburg were the names of two of the town’s that Anton and Ina took us too. Now these towns were established by South Africans who were goldminers. These miners named these towns and streets after their escapades in searching for gold. The one street in Johannesburg was called Oompaul street and no further explanation is needed as to where this name comes from.
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Week 2
We are officially through the first week and a bit and have now been enjoying the second week where we are getting accustomed to the time zones and the different ways that the Los Angeles people do things and go about their daily business. An interesting fact whilst I compile this update is the fact that the driving in Los Angeles is suprisingly worse than I thought it was and there is less law and order than I thought. This is due to a lack of police force which stems from the anti police movement. Coming from Johannesburg I would suspect that anyone thinking of America and more narrowly Los Angeles would think, first world country with a lot going for itself and fewer problems, however we must remember that this is not the case and I hope this is an encouragement to anyone preaching the gospel in any city or town in the world. All people are lost until they come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!
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Psalm 113
Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, Praise the name of the Lord! 2 Blessed be the name of the Lord From this time forth and forevermore! 3 From the rising of the sun to its going down The Lord’s name is to be praised. 4 The Lord is high above all nations, His glory above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, Who dwells on high, 6 Who humbles Himself to behold The things that are in the heavens and in the earth? 7 He raises the poor out of the dust, And lifts the needy out of the ash heap, 8 That He may seat him with princes— With the princes of His people. 9 He grants the barren woman a home, Like a joyful mother of children.
Praise the Lord!
Arrival Week 1
After a long process we are finally in Sun Valley, Los Angeles, America. At the outset I must say that the Lord has had a hand in each and every process and we are extremely grateful to our Saviour Jesus Christ who wants to see His work and Kingdom expanded in this area, and we are blessed to be able to continue on a solid foundation that has been laid by the Lord at Sun Valley Community Church. My intention is not to bore you with unnecessary information but just to simply give an update on what the Lord has done thus far and to ask for continaul prayer by His grace.
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