The Dangers of Yoga for the Christ Follower!

Yoga and its problems for the professing Christ Follower!

For further reading and clarification please click on the following links:

5 comments on “The Dangers of Yoga for the Christ Follower!

  1. Donovan Stowe says:

    Thank you Pastor Jeandre, may you be blessed as you fight for His mighty Gospel to be taught and shown to all who will awaken through the conviction in Truth through His Holy Spirit.

  2. Vincent Marshall Sr. says:

    Very good dissertation on the dangers of yoga. Fool around with it at the risk of getting demons. It came from Hindu India. Beware Christian and un-saved souls,!

    1. jeandrefourie says:

      Thank you Vincent, I missed this reply. Lord bless you!

  3. Jonathan says:

    So, I came to this article because I was wondering about the stretches themselves, because my body is very stiff I find myself stretching and sometimes the only stretches I know are that of the yoga stretches I did before being saved. are the stretches in themselves worship to Hindu Gods, potentially opening myself to the demonic?

    Are the mats wrong?

    1. jeandrefourie says:

      Hi Jonathan,
      Thank you for reading the article and for your question. Stretching in itself is not the problem, so you are good there. It is taking from the ancient eastern parctices and following that which is their reasoning for streching etc. I need to stretch too, but I do stretches that are given to me by Physio therapists that are neutral and solely for stretching. On your second question, yes I do believe these stretching and practices open us up to the demonic simply because that is the foundation of the Hindu practice. There are different practices but we trace it to the root which are polytheistic, devilish, and outright blaspehemous.

      The mats I believe are a conscience issue. They are made from pastic or rubber, but they can defile or become a stumbling block to another mans conscience.Paul talks about the conscience regarding food (1 Cor 8 and Rom 14:5).

      I hope this helps 🙂

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