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Ministry Update – The Fourie’s in Los Angeles [10 April 2024]

10 let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. 11 This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ 12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

Acts 4:10-12

As we have come through Resurrection Sunday I would love to write and give an update on how things are going here in Sun Valley, Los Angeles. We had the opportunity to go on vacation about a month and a half ago which was an absolute blessing and Kelly and I got to spend some much needed time together. We also explored some of the beautiful parts of America. After prayer and consideration we decided to stay in America for our holiday. We wanted to come to South Africa and visit friends and family but I am still waiting for my new passport and did not want to complicate anything on either departure from South Africa or arrival/entry back into America.

We travelled around 3500 miles [5632 km] and were blessed to see many of the well known sites in America. We set off from Los Angeles to Arizona and stayed in a town called Page. In and around Page there is much to do and see and we went to one of the most historic sites called horseshoe bend which is a part of the Colorado River. We also went to the Grand Canyon which was probably the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I think Kelly would concur. Rumour had it that the entrances to the Grand Canyon were closed and so we never planned this part of the trip, but we managed to enter through the South entrance of the park and there could see magnificent scenery, snow [Kelly’s first time], forest and obviously the majestic Canyon.

Horseshoe Bend
Horseshoe Proper

We also went to Navajo bridge which is a bridge that was built in the late 19th century by the Navajo Indian tribe to access the other side of the Colorado River and expand their settlements into the state of Utah. An amazing part of the river and home to the Condor. The California Condor is an endangered bird with a very impressive wingspan of around 9.5 feet.

New Bridge
Old Navajo Bridge

We also managed to visit Lake Powell which is a man made lake and then headed to Mount Zion National Park which is in the state of Utah. This was also a real blessing and we thoroughly enjoyed our time in Springdale, Utah. From Springdale we drove back to Los Angeles and then from Los Angeles we headed up the West Coast to San Francisco. The drive up to san Fran is beautiful and the city itself is also an architectural prowess. We spent 1 1/2 days in San Fran and drove around and looked at some historical sites including the Golden Gate Bridge.

Lake Powell, AZ
Mount Zion National Park, UT
Mount Zion National Park, UT

After San Francisco we headed up the West Coast to a town called Brookings in Oregon. In Brookings we stayed in a log cabin which was a real blessing. I was recommended a website where pastors and missionaries can register for accommodation and people who have extra housing or extra availability will host and do it for a minimal fee. This was great and we enjoyed this little fishing town with our friends.

Golden Gate Bridge
Brookings, OR
Brookings Harbour, OR
Oregon Redwoods

After that we started heading back home via Mount Shasta which is in Northern California and then we drove down to Oakhurst which is a town at the southern entrance of Yosemite. Unfortunately, we could not access Yosemite National Park because of a Blizzard that was entering the park. We then headed home and we are exceptionally thankful for the break we could have. 

Sun valley community church

Moving onto the ministry, it has been an extremely busy year and a half. I cannot believe that we have been here for a year and a half and we both appreciate all the prayers as we continue to seek to exalt the name of Jesus Christ. We hit the ground running after returning from vacation and praise the Lord we are seeing much growth in some of the folk at SVCC. In November we obviously had Thanksgiving which is a big holiday in America and from then on into the new year it tends to get very busy and we can easily lose track of time.

In the past few months we have had quite a few additions to the fellowship also witnessing 3 baptisms which has really encouraged us. All three of these ladies have obviously come from different walks and we can clearly see the Lord doing a work in their lives. Friends, Los Angeles is a very difficult place to live and minister in. I feel deeply sorry for those who have grown up in this city especially when it comes to struggling with the questions of the meaning of life. There is much confusion in many hearts, lives and minds as to the importance of knowing the Creator, Christ Jesus. There are many who fall back into the world and we ask that you keep on praying for us for strength and for wisdom in our dealings. 

After celebrating resurrection Sunday I’m reminded of the barbaric way in which Christ Jesus went to the cross and how He was brutalized to say the least so that each and every one of us may have life and life in abundance. The more I understand the cross and the depth of Christ’s sacrifice the more I realize our need for salvation and reconciliation to a Holy, Righteous, and Just God. I pray that each and every one reading this will grow nearer to Christ Jesus because of what happened at Calvary. The atonement and payment for sin will forever ring true in each person for eternity, no matter where one spends it.  In the text above [Luke writing] the apostle Peter remind those in Jerusalem that “This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone” [Acts 4:10-12]. Because of the resurrection we can see that Peter knows and believes 100% that Christ lives and that He saves! He is the chief cornerstorne and saves all those who come to God through Him [Heb 7:25]. Remember friends, there is no salvation in any other name, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. It is only Christ Jesus who can save and bring fallen, rebellious, sinful, and hateful man into a relationship with God almighty because of the blood shed at the cross (Rom 5:9).

Remember, that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. May we really be reminded of this truth!

A few prayer requests:

Missionaries: please pray for our missionaries in Zimbabwe, Burma, and in China who are all struggling in various ways. Some with drought, some with civil war, and others with loneliness.

We recently met a new family from Albania who are missionaries and plant churches in Albania and surrounding countries, especially in Muslim predominant areas. It has been an amazing testimony of God’s goodness and we ask that you pray for Edi, his wife Bona [who has been very ill and has recently had a kidney transplant and recovering well by God’s grace], and their two boys Noel and Sion.

Evangelism: Please pray for our evangelistic efforts at Sun Valley Community Church and those in this area that we’re trying to reach with the gospel. We have one or two brothers that are really passionate about preaching the gospel and do so on a weekly basis in the streets, trains, highways, and byways. This environment can be extremely hostile and please keep all of us in your prayers.

Ministry: Then please pray for the ministry, the pastoral work, the preaching of the word, and the shepherding of the flock of the Lord Jesus Christ. It can be tiresome, and more often than not quite burdensome, and so I pray for strength for myself and for Kelly. Please always pray for our ministry back to those in South Africa, as well as the men’s and women’s Bible studies here in Sun Valley Los Angeles.

Some exciting news. Because we have many children at Sun Valley Community Church we have started apologetics classes teaching our children how to know who Jesus Christ is personally and equips them to defend their faith. Many adults have also joined the apologetic classes and I ask that you pray for wisdom and discernment in getting the children born again as well as instructing them in the ways of righteousness.

Marriage: please always pray for our marriage. It has been a blessing to grow nearer and nearer unto Christ Jesus in our marriage and He is strengthening us daily. As you know, the LORD loves and upholds marriage and has created this institution to display His glory through the family unit.

We send our love to each and every one of you and continue to pray for each one of you.

Eph 3:20-21: 20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. 


Ministry Update – The Fourie’s in Los Angeles [31 October 2023]


I have not written in ages and sincerely apologize for that. It has been an exceptionally busy 6 months since I last wrote so here is an update on how we are doing. By the Lord’s grace all is well and we are strong in the power of His might. We have settled into our home which has been and still is an absolute blessing. We have also had two sets of visitors from South Africa already which has been great and it was awesome seeing them and having some good fellowship together. It was very encouraging!

We had received some really great news a few months ago that Kelly was pregnant and we were obviously super excited that we might become parents. Unfortunately, we learned that after 7/8 weeks the baby had died and that Kelly was miscarrying. The Lord was faithful in this process to help us and comfort our hearts and so we are not too worry, Kelly is well and now we are waiting to see what the Lord Jesus has in store for us going forward. Please keep praying for us as we are very excited that this was even a possibility! What a blessing to have the Creator of the Universe on our side.

Psalm 34:18 – “Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit”

Many may not understand the perspective we have on the miscarriage but it is simply this. That the Lord is the Creator of each and every child and so when the child is not with us that means that the child is with the Lord. This gives us great comfort and I know for sure that we will one day meet face to face. When Paul wrote to the Corinthians he reminded them that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Cor 5:6-8).

Independence day

Those who have been in America in and around Independence Day which is the 4th of July know that this is a very important holiday for the Americans and a time where they remember the Second Continental Congress which unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence, announcing the colonies’ separation from Great Britain. A tradition at Sun Valley Community Church is that the whole church gathers together at our house where we have an amazing view of the San Fernando Valley and we watch fireworks and fellowship around a meal. This is by far the biggest fireworks display I have ever seen in my life and probably will be the biggest ever. The amount of money spent on that evening must be astronomical. Because of the sun only setting at around 21:00 pm in summer the fireworks only really start at 10:00 pm. The problem is that the fireworks carry on well into the morning which made it very difficult to sleep and I’m sure everyone shares the same sentiment. It was great to be with the church family and to understand Independence Day from a South African perspective.

Los Angeles Fair

We were then invited to the Los Angeles fair by our friends John and Debbie Rotunno who are a part of the Gideons International ministry. What they do is they have a Bible distribution stand where they hand out bibles to anyone wanting the word of God for free. It is great to see that there were a few that were receptive to receiving the word of God and obviously there were others who politely declined. Interestingly, the fair is the biggest in California and according to statistics can have up to 1,000,000 visitors from open day to close. The food was really great and we managed to speak to a few people about the Lord Jesus Christ, especially a Catholic lady, who had us busy for over an hour trying to persuade us of Catholicism. I gave her some scriptures to consider and she was really keen to meet us and took my details but never ended up calling me. It was great though to engage with her and to give her a different rendition of church history which she is used to and has obviously learnt from a Catholic perspective.  

Birthday Celebrations

As most of you know Kelly turned 40 this August! I wanted to surprise her and was able to pull it off without her knowing. The morning of her birthday and by telling one or two folks at church to keep it quiet we set off from Los Angeles en route to a small Danish Town in the Santa Barbara district called Solvang. Now this little town is really cool! Approximately 2 hours North west of Sun Valley It was founded by Danish settlers (Danish for “sunny fields”) in 1911 seeking to escape the midwestern winters. 

The food, architecture and vibe is all Danish with some beautiul sorrounds too. It was great to get away and to spend some time with each other after a quick start to the ministry after the pastoral transiiton had taken place. We travelled further north for a day and had lunch at Pismo Beach which is apparently one of the most popular attractions of that coastline. We also drove past the vanden blooming Space Centre and Army base which was very interesting. I told Kelly to turn in as I wanted to see if we can visit and officer kindly told us to turn around and leave the premises. If you want to visit a facility like this in the US as a foreigner you need to apply 10 days before in order to be cleared. This is also one of the launching pads for SpaceX and all their missions.

Then on the reverse, Kelly surprised me for my birthday which was awesome! We went to San Diego which is south of Los Angeles and embarked on what is known as a SEAL Tour. This tour has a vehicle which is both able to travel on land and on water, so we did a tour through some of the landmark settings in San Diego. Now San Diego’s naval base remains one of the largest naval bases on the West Coast, and not only because of its sheer size but because it is equipped with the majority of the Pacific Naval Fleet and remains the base where over 48,000 military-linked personnel work.

After hitting the landmarks we then went into the harbour at San Diego with this vehicle and did a tour through some parts of the harbour. It was really great and I will let the photos do the talking.

USS Midway
San Diego CBD

Then, the brothers and sisters at the fellowship also arranged a park outing for my birthday which was really unnecessary but really great and we had a good time together. Everyone partook in the softball sporting activities and we shared in a superb meal together. 

Sun Valley Community Church

An update on the ministry, we are grateful to report that the Lord Jesus Christ has been very faithful to Kelly and I and everyone at Sun Valley Community Church. A dear brother of ours Leo went to be with the Lord on the 8th of July and we were reminded of our hope upon death in the gospel and in the Lord Jesus Christ. We had a blessed service and time of fellowship to celebrate his graduation.

We recently also had our oldest member of the congregation turn 90. Roger is a great guy and such a stellar example to all of us as he takes care of his wife daily who is battling with dementia and has been for a very long time. We finally managed to sit around the same table and share our testimonies with one another which was extremely encouraging.

We have had many visitors and people joining Sun Valley Community Church and we pray for our area as the beacon of light to those in a lost and dying world. Most reading this blog will understand that Los Angeles is extremely liberal and have lost the fear of God a very long time ago. Anything and everything goes here and our struggle is across the board regarding the corrupted thinking of the people and who God is. There is a drug pandemic which is prevalent in most areas and homelessness is rife. The state has facilities for anyone on the street to be given an opportunity to brush themselves up but on the other hand the state gives each and every person money or drugs with which they just go further down the rabbit hole of addiction. It is amazing how much money is spent on the homeless and unemployed where there is so much opportunity for employment and restoration and repentance through Bible believing churches.

I say this because we need your prayers! Please pray for the ministry, Sun Valley Community Church, the fellowship, and that each one of us stay strong in Christ Jesus. The open evil and obsession with material posessions can influence and drag anyone away from their relationship with God. Praise the Lord many have stayed strong and are serving Jesus Christ. We are slowly but surely getting used to one another as a fellowship and congregation and are very excited that many are bearing fruit worthy of repentance (Matt 3:8). We had our first baptisms which was a blessed time and here are some pics below:

It was also a blessing for me to be invited to preach and share the word at the state convention for the Gideons international Bible ministry in Santa Ana. It was great to fellowship with like minded believers and to hear the many many testimonies from their ministry.

Lastly, we were reminded this week that we have been in Los Angeles for a year. I cannot believe it and time has really gone by very quickly. We have many brothers and sisters who love us and care for us which is great and we are growing together as a body in Christ Jesus. I want to close off with the scripture used above: 

Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever”.

The apostle Peter reminds us that by hearing, believing, and obeying the word of God will be the only way that an individual can be born again and filled with the Spirit of God. It is only here where an individual will truly understand the salvific truths of God, the necessities of an obedient and holy Christ-like life and where we will be able to comprehend the condition of man before a holy and rightoeus God. Through being born again and filled by the Spirit of God we become a slaves unto unto righteousness and forsake sin as Paul reminds the Romans (Rom 6). We need to consider each and every one of our hearts in light of this biblical truth. Peter says that the word [the gospel and the scriptures] purifies our hearts when we obey it and through that understand the necessity for fervent love among one another and the need for the gospel of Jesus Christ to go out into the world. Remember the Bible says “faith comes by hearing and by hearing the word of God” (Rom 10:17).

I will write a lot sooner as we have a few events coming up over Thanksgiving and December time. Here is the Sun Valley Community Church YouTube page should you want to subscribe and here are some important messages regarding Israel and her current situation, as well as the American and global obsession with Halloween and its problems. We do not want to see any contamination, occultism, and lies entering the church and so each and everyone of us need to be equipped and vigilant [Eph 4:12].

May the Lord bless you all and we send our love in Christ Jesus!

Jeandre and Kelly

Sermons Mentioned

The Dangers of Yoga for the Christ Follower!

Yoga and its problems for the professing Christ Follower!

For further reading and clarification please click on the following links:

Ministry Update – The Fourie’s in Los Angeles

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry”

 The Apostle Paul

Good day Friends, I trust you are all well and I greet you in the precious name of Jesus, the Saviour of the world! It has been a while since I have written, and I would love to give you an update as to how it is going in Los Angeles with us. The last three months have been a blessing and I am in awe of how faithful the Lord is in our times of need. Kelly and I moved into an RV / fifth wheel for three months which was fully kitted out with room, shower, kitchen, lounge, and Tele. In this process we met two of the most humble people John and Debbie Rottuno who have become like parents to us. They took us in like their own and we have become extremely close. This can only be by the guidance of the Lord, and we are extremely grateful to Him for putting them in our lives.


The Fourie’s and the Rotunno’s

We have had record rainfall in Los Angeles and California which has transformed a desert looking area into what seems a tropical oasis. We both know that’s not the case, but the rain really makes the hills and city areas come alive with the greenery. The state of California still has snow on the higher mountainous areas which is starting to melt as there was record snowfall too in many areas. This melting will fill many of the rivers and this can only be grace from the Lord, proving His provision over and over.

Also, Kelly and I took a drive to San Diego during this time to look at an electric bike (trike) that could maybe be of use for me as I am very keen to join her when running and hiking but the bike was a no go for a few reasons one being that I Cannot ride it due to a weakened core. It is electric but needs balancing skills so that wont work all too well. This was a front wheel trike, so 2 wheels closely fitted together with one at the back. I spent much time looking for options and have ordered a trike with two rear wheels and will send pics when it arrives, but in the meantime check this out why I cannot ride the first option:

For everyone who knows me well knows that I am a meat eater and take serious the fact that we can eat meat and enjoy that what the Lord God has provided for us. We were introduced to Krash who is a brother in Christ. He has a Saturday BBQ at his house called Smokey Sermon, check this out. We enjoyed our meal with our new friends Mike, Christine and Nick.

Sun Valley Community church has had a few additions to the family, and I ask that you pray not only for them but for each and every person who enters our doors. The church owns a parsonage which Kelly and I have now moved into and by God’s grace we are settling down nicely. It is much more than we need, and we are grateful for the Lord’s provision and pray that it is a house where the Lord Jesus Christ is exalted, worshiped and praised.

Update on the Ministry

Moving onto the ministry, the time has come where 6 months have already past and I am now by God’s grace an elder of Sun Valley Community church with a teaching, preaching and pastoral role. Biblically, a pastor forms a part of the eldership and he shepherd’s the local church of God as an under shepherd who nurtures, cares for, and feeds the flock. It is an honour for me to serve the Lord God in this capacity and I covet every prayer as I continue to pastor Sun Valley Community Church. As a team Kelly and I are responsible for the operations of the church as well as discipling every-one who comes through the doors of SVCC, equipping them for the work of the ministry (Eph 4:12). Each one who has been born-again and placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord, Saviour and Redeemer has a special part to play in the local assembly. I find we are the most fruitful as believers when we are serving God and not serving our own flesh and desires. Pray for us as we strive to be faithful to the calling of God.

Below is a certficate of ordination for the purposes of the state and the local church.

Lastly, Below are our YouTube and Facebook pages should you want to Subscribe and become a part of the community even though you are far away.



We miss each and every one of you and love your dearly!

Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works
Which You have done;
And Your thoughts toward us
Cannot be recounted to You in order;
If I would declare and speak of them,
They are more than can be numbered

Psalm 40:5

Testimony Update from Los Angeles

“Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”

Hebrews 3:15

I was reminded of something amazing this week folks! I was reminded of a picture of a dead man walking. Have you ever seen a dead man walking? I suppose your answer would be “well obviously not”! I would however love to challenge each and every one of us today that there are millions of dead men and woman walking all around us. You see folks there are two types of people in this world. Those who are alive unto Jesus Christ and those who are dead and aimlessly lost. Not only spiritually dead and out of fellowship and relationship with God but eternally dead, separated from God forever.

You are probably wondering what reminded me of this reality? Well two days ago on the 21st February 2023, I was reminded of an accident that I had 8 Years ago to the day. I cannot believe that time has gone by so quickly, but here I am writing about the grace of God. This will most definitely seem illogical to many but God has shown His mercy to a sinner like me, and through this accident brought me into relationship with Him, thanks to the atoning work of the cross. The bible says that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” and “there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus”. Remember it is Jesus who saves, and it is by faith that we are justified as individuals in the courts of heaven (Rom 5:1), and it is by His blood that we can be forgiven and saved from God’s wrath (Rom 5:9), a justification only appropriated by a true belief and trust in Jesus Christ. His Person, His Deity, and His death, burial and resurrection!

The night before my accident I can remember looking at the heavens, on a clear anad bright evening, saying something like “God you must exist”. You see folks it would be ludicrous to believe that there is no God and Creator. The book of Romans helps us in this regard. It says that “since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened”. God has reveled Himself to each and every one of us through Creation and Conscience. How awesome and how amazing!

This is half of the evidence that we would call Primary Revelation. The other two aspects are that of God revealing Himself, His heart, and His mind through His word, and finally in the flesh in the person of Jesus Chirist. On this basis 8 years ago I admitted that God exists, and that He is the orchestrator of life and Creation. You know, each and every one of us has this ability, but unfortunately over time because of sin, we choose to suppress the truth and deny God. Why we may ask and it is simply this. If God exists then I am accountable to Him. Yes, now we are heading in the right direction. Some of the simple reasons why God is true and exists is that the universe is perfectly fine tuned for life, our DNA composition and complexities are absolutely mind-boggling, and we can see the work that God does in other’s lives through the new birth freeing individuals from the pangs of death bringing them into newness of life.

Folks as you read this I want each and every one to know and remember that on this day God brought this lost man on the other side of this computer into a relationship with Him. It is where I was lying helpless in a hospital bed where He intervened. It is where I was weak that He was strong. It is where a loving God revealed Himself to me that I made that decision to pick up my cross and follow Him forever. It is where God delivered me from the power of darkness and conveyed me into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Col 1:13). Today, if you will hear His voice, our Lord says, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion (Heb 3:15). Speaking from experience I testify today that God is loving, merciful, longsuffering, gracious, and kind. He is good and deserves all the honour, praise and glory.

Again, are there dead men walking … YES!!! Are you one of them? I hope not. Let’s stop fighting the truth folks. Jesus is coming soon, and He will judge the living and the dead. Put your faith, hope and trust in Him and His salvation that He offers so freely. Do not get to a stage where you are fighting for your life in a hospital bed, helpless and unable to move. See to it today that you are made right with God and forgiven of your sins. Unfortunately, our hardened hearts deceive us. A hardened heart does things in its own way. It chooses to rebel. It is prideful, arrogant, and boastful. It complains, grumbles, moans, seeks self worship, loves the woe is me attitude and puts itself first. In contrast however, is the heart that knows the Lord Jesus Christ, a heart that is surrendered, joyous, wise, pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. It is a heart that yields the fruits of righteousness and sows in peace. I hope and pray that is us today folks!

The King of kings and Lord of lords says:

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

“For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” John 6:33

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:15

“And behold, I am coming quickly.” Revelation 22:12 [a]

Much love and may the One true God be glorified! In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

Shalom Aleichem

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed!

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed!

Many today profess to believe in Jesus Christ yet continue to live in sin. They entertain worldly lusts, carnal and fleshly living and thinking, pride, evil desire, and constantly fall into sin. The evidence unfortunately lies in their ungodly actions and behaviour. Somehow this new breed of 21st Century Christians still believe that they have been made free from sin, slavery, and bondage. The truth of the matter is that many folks are taking the grace of God in vain (Rom 6:1, 15). Like a sow that has been washed they keep returning to the mire and like a dog, they keep returning to their vomit (2 Pet 2:22). It seems as if this topic of volitional and habitual sin is going untaught in Christianity today. Unfortunately, nowadays Christians are labeling sin as disease and “misfortune”. I’m not talking about sins that we subsequently and very quickly repent of (and I hope we do), but I am talking about volitional sin which we entertain, sin of “pre-meditation”.

These are sins that are thought of, pondered on, and acted upon, sin which is pre-meditated and just like all sin, in direct rebellion to God. The individual knows something is wrong yet they still choose to disobey the commands of the Lord God Almighty. This is manifest in their actions which is that which the Lord Jesus Christ in the sermon on the mount said originates in the heart and mind of the individual. The apostle James says that when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin when it is full-grown, brings forth death (Jam 1:15). This means that the decisions we make when we continuously fall into sin are decisions, intentions, and desires which have been dwelling in the heart for some time and have now been conceived (become real), manifesting itself in that which the individual has placed on the pedestal of their hearts. Furthermore, James says “to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin” (4:17). What I am trying to illustrate is that we are in bondage to sin because we willingly entertain it, and therefore won’t be set free from it until we repent, forsake it, hate it, and turn to the living God, who is the only One who can forgive and make us free. Remember this simple text friends. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36 KJV).

Now, this may not necessarily mean that this individual has not been converted and born again although many conversions do unfortunately seem questionable, but there is a danger of taking the grace of God in vain (Rom 6:1,15) and misunderstanding what it truly means to be brought into a new life and a heavenly relationship, by the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross, and the Spirit of God. When someone has truly tasted what is Good, they would never want to return to the things of the world! Legion was chained and men feared him, but when he met the One true God, he was made free, and his “chains were broken” (Mark 5:1-20). Note how the Lord Jesus Christ had mercy on him after he had seen Jesus from a distance, and ran to the Lord falling on his knees. What about the woman at the well? She was a woman who had many husbands, yet when she met the One true God, she was made free from the sin she so willingly entertained (John 4:1-26). The New Testament is replete with examples of those who met the Messiah, were transformed and changed from within, and made free from sin. Amazingly, they never knew the depth of their sin and wickedness of heart until they were around the Lord Jesus Christ. So the question must be asked; have you met the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in the preaching of the gospel? Has He exposed your sin? Has the Word laid you bare, and given you a reason to grope and search for Him and seek forgiveness? Have you met Jesus friend? Have you known His sheer holiness, righteousness, and justice?

What is the 21st Century Christian doing? It seems that the instant gratification culture is willingly ignoring Jesus’ commands (John 14:15)! My question is this. How and why were so many people changed so radically in the scriptures and transformed after meeting the Son, yet you and I can’t seem to come right and “shake off” sin? I’ll tell you how… Everyone who has been made free from sin knows what Jesus Christ has accomplished on Calvary and because of the depth of that sacrifice is completely sold out for Jesus. They  have realized their lost and damned condition before a holy God and have understood that in them nothing good dwells. They have decided to follow Jesus at all cost, picked up their crosses, and denied the world, desiring to walk in that which the Lord God has commanded. It is in Him that we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). It is the person’s desire for holiness and obedience to God that will undoubtedly transform him and conform him to the image of the Son.

Now, before you say this guy doesn’t know what he is saying. “I mean, I am sold out for Christ, look at my life. I go to church and attend a weekly home group or Bible study. I read my Bible daily and even own Christian books.” Let me tell you, friend, firstly, all these things do not make you a Christian and secondly, there is nothing we can do to earn our salvation before this Holy and Righteous God. I’m sure you know that. He has done the work, yet with the body of Christ so willingly entertaining sin, I sometimes wonder if salvation and the call to holiness have ever been understood? Remember that “we are saved by grace through faith, that not of ourselves, it is a gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Eph 2:8-9). This does not mean that we stop at the cross when we exercised faith in Christ’s atoning work. To try and explain the most awesome privilege that one could have to live in relationship with, and tabernacle with, the living God in such few words is difficult, but if we truly believe God is who He says He is then we would undoubtedly live different lives, to His praise, honour, and glory!

I do however want to reiterate a point that I have already noted. Every person that I know who is currently battling with sin is still involved in the things of the world. What do I mean by that? Well, here is a simple question and thought to consider; “do you want to be made free”? Jesus said that we must count the cost before following Him (Luke 14:25-33). Our Lord pronounced woes on those who desired more than Him (Matthew 23). Folks, for you and I to be made free from sin, we must forsake everything! Now I bet you’re asking what I mean by everything. I mean EVERYTHING! Everything that is not of God will hinder your relationship with Him. Our example is always the Lord Jesus Christ! Consider what happened when the Lord Jesus was on earth. He forsook everything, honoured the Father, denied temptation, and was never part of the world and its fallen system. Remember He emptied Himself of everything He was in heaven and took on the form of a bondservant (Phil 2:5-11). He took on flesh for you and I, endured the cross, and despised the shame. He bled and died for you and I, was beaten beyond recognition, and yet with all this blessing we still entertain this world and its filth! Woe to us … we are such hypocrites!

Remember that the new creation according to the Word of God speaks of one who has been born again (John 3:3-5; 2 Cor 5:17; Eph 4:17-32; Col 3:12-17). What that means is that however we were born naturally is irrelevant and we need to be born again, regenerated, and made new according to God so that we will love Him, serve Him and hate the things of this world, not be of this world, and desire to please the Lord who has made us free. Forsaking everything means this and includes:

  • Repentance from dead works
  • The renewing of the mind through the Spirit and Word of God
  • Obedience to the Commmands and entire Word of God
  • The cleansing of the mouth and its filth and all that is opposed to God
  • The forsaking of the woe is me attitude, always having the last say, denying ourselves, picking up our crosses and following Jesus
  • The understanding of the depth of our sin and rebellion
  • The desire for sanctification unto Christ-likeness
  • The forsaking of television (Netflix, sport, series, and movies), worldly documentaries, and the so-called “Christian” programs like the recent chosen series
  • The forsaking of secular music and so-called “christian” music, rock and hip hop (Hillsong, Bethel, Elevation, Lecrae and the like)
  • Being diligent with technology (phones and tablets) which has a clear unprecedented grip on us and our children’s hearts and minds. This includes the unbiblical agenda and indoctrination through animations and comics by people like disney, pixar, marvel, and the like, as well as fantasy films and all agendas seeking to disrupt and divide the home, an institution designed and initiated by God (Genesis 1:28; 2:24).
  • Understanding that social media is a god and is a platform opposed to a life of godliness and holiness
  • Forsaking the obsession with secular news, politics and the ungodly order of world governments
  • Separating from the people who you associate with who are not servants and followers of the One true God
  • Re-considering the church and fellowship you attend by the measure of the work of the Spirit and the teaching of sound doctrine
  • Dismissing “Christian books” and “Christian literature” written by so-called teachers who are proven heretics, including anything that does not put Christ and God on the pedestal and throne of our hearts!

Folks the question therefore then is very simple: Where are our hearts and who or what is on the throne of our hearts? We seem to believe that no one can see what dominates our thinking and life, but remember firstly that God knows all things including every thought and intention, and secondly, born-again believers can see right through the “Christian” façade. Those who know and have experienced the love and peace of God, and the character transformation and conforming of the new man most definitely know and see who willingly dwells in ungodliness and unrighteousness because it is evident in their behaviour, speech, actions, and intentions.

Let’s be honest. If something walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then surely it is a duck. So too if someone acts as the world then surely they are of the world, are lost, are entertaining sin, and must either be born again or seek repentance before it is too late! Paul says, “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Gal 5:16). The solution to being set free from sin is quite easy. Forsake everything that wars against God and the flesh, repent from dead works, and serve the living God (Heb 6:1). Pursue an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ by faith. Once this is true and you are either born again (John 3:3-5) or refreshed through repentance from dead works (Acts 3:19), only then can you, and will you, enjoy true peace which is expressed in Christ-like living, in true fellowship, Doctrine, the breaking of bread, and prayer (Acts 2:42). It is by fellowshipping with like-minded people (born-again believers), fearing God and desiring to live holy and pleasing lives to God (Rom 12:1-2; 2 Cor 7:1) that shows our complete adoration for Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. The heart is where it is. The New Testament requires two things of the Born-Again believer: Obedience to God and His commands and living a life of Holiness! We must measure ourselves on these two recurring themes, folks. Where are we in our obedience to God? Where are we in what the Bible describes as a life of holiness?

God knows your heart and you therefore cannot fool Him. Husbands for example are commanded to lead and love their wives, taking full responsibility for that with which God has entrusted them (Eph 5:22-26). Through personal devotion and Bible study (daily) and loving God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, we will know Jesus and be known by Him (John 10:14). You see, if we say we know Jesus and love Him, and truly believe in Him, I’m sure we will desire to forsake everything and follow Him with every part of our being (1 Cor 10:31). If we say we love Him, yet do not keep His commandments, we are liars, and the truth is not in us (1 John 2:4)! The truth is this! What we call disease, God calls sin! Remember that! The solution is simple. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (James 4:8). Then the Son will make you free (John 8:36) and God promises that He will keep those in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him because they trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3).

Friends, I believe that Christianity needs fewer “Christians” and more Christ-Followers!

Exhortation with Biblical Truths for the year ahead (Jan 2022)

Exhortation with Biblical Truths for the year ahead (Jan 2022)

Spending some time in these scriptures has made me realize some awesome and convicting biblical truths. The God of the Bible (of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) requires obedience and holiness by those that call Him Lord. Many of us call Him Lord yet we do not do what He tells us to. Through His word, it is made plain that He is God, saves by grace, and requires those who love Him and call on Him to walk as they ought to. *In love, obedience, and holiness.

Look at King Saul in 1 Samuel 15:1-23. He hears from God’s prophet Samuel and is told to destroy Amalek and his people and everything they possess for how they treated Israel as a people when they came out of Egypt. He refuses to heed the word of God and takes much spoil from the battle. What might seem a great victory to man was sheer disobedience to a Holy God and His commands. Look at the result below ……

1 Samuel 15:22-23

So Samuel said: “Has the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He also has rejected you from being king.”

In the book of Titus, we have an amazing explanation of the gospel and the known biblical fact that our works toward salvation are worthless. He is the Author of Salvation. He is Holy, Righteous, Loving, Just, and Gracious. Jesus Christ through His sacrifice at Calvary justifies those who come to Him in faith, not because of what we have done, but because of what He the Lord has done. Paul explains that true salvation results in a regenerated and renewed spirit* where the Holy Spirit Himself fills the believer and sets Him apart unto God. Note Paul says that these truths are to be affirmed constantly and those who believe and continue to do so will have the desire to work for God because they love Him and know the necessity and importance of salvation only found in the One true God which has appeared unto all men. Our love for Christ must be good and evident to all men, profitable as the bible says. Look at the scripture below …..

Titus 3:4-8

But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. This is a faithful saying and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.

It is obedience to the commands of God through His word (and not the disobedience of Saul) where true light through the illumination of the Holy Spirit gives understanding to the word of God and makes it possible to know minute by minute the grace of God in Jesus Christ our Lord. Wow what a salvation!!!! David writes …….The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple.

Psalm 119:130

May these scriptures provoke us to live eternity conscience. Let’s please God in all we do! May we obey Him and seek to be in relationship with Him through the  mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ and the advocacy of the Holy Spirit

Be ye filled with the Holy Spirit – Ephesians 5:18

Shalom and Happy New Year !!!