Ministry Update – The Fourie’s in Los Angeles [10 April 2024]
10 let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. 11 This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ 12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Acts 4:10-12
As we have come through Resurrection Sunday I would love to write and give an update on how things are going here in Sun Valley, Los Angeles. We had the opportunity to go on vacation about a month and a half ago which was an absolute blessing and Kelly and I got to spend some much needed time together. We also explored some of the beautiful parts of America. After prayer and consideration we decided to stay in America for our holiday. We wanted to come to South Africa and visit friends and family but I am still waiting for my new passport and did not want to complicate anything on either departure from South Africa or arrival/entry back into America.
We travelled around 3500 miles [5632 km] and were blessed to see many of the well known sites in America. We set off from Los Angeles to Arizona and stayed in a town called Page. In and around Page there is much to do and see and we went to one of the most historic sites called horseshoe bend which is a part of the Colorado River. We also went to the Grand Canyon which was probably the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I think Kelly would concur. Rumour had it that the entrances to the Grand Canyon were closed and so we never planned this part of the trip, but we managed to enter through the South entrance of the park and there could see magnificent scenery, snow [Kelly’s first time], forest and obviously the majestic Canyon.
We also went to Navajo bridge which is a bridge that was built in the late 19th century by the Navajo Indian tribe to access the other side of the Colorado River and expand their settlements into the state of Utah. An amazing part of the river and home to the Condor. The California Condor is an endangered bird with a very impressive wingspan of around 9.5 feet.
We also managed to visit Lake Powell which is a man made lake and then headed to Mount Zion National Park which is in the state of Utah. This was also a real blessing and we thoroughly enjoyed our time in Springdale, Utah. From Springdale we drove back to Los Angeles and then from Los Angeles we headed up the West Coast to San Francisco. The drive up to san Fran is beautiful and the city itself is also an architectural prowess. We spent 1 1/2 days in San Fran and drove around and looked at some historical sites including the Golden Gate Bridge.
After San Francisco we headed up the West Coast to a town called Brookings in Oregon. In Brookings we stayed in a log cabin which was a real blessing. I was recommended a website where pastors and missionaries can register for accommodation and people who have extra housing or extra availability will host and do it for a minimal fee. This was great and we enjoyed this little fishing town with our friends.
After that we started heading back home via Mount Shasta which is in Northern California and then we drove down to Oakhurst which is a town at the southern entrance of Yosemite. Unfortunately, we could not access Yosemite National Park because of a Blizzard that was entering the park. We then headed home and we are exceptionally thankful for the break we could have.
Sun valley community church
Moving onto the ministry, it has been an extremely busy year and a half. I cannot believe that we have been here for a year and a half and we both appreciate all the prayers as we continue to seek to exalt the name of Jesus Christ. We hit the ground running after returning from vacation and praise the Lord we are seeing much growth in some of the folk at SVCC. In November we obviously had Thanksgiving which is a big holiday in America and from then on into the new year it tends to get very busy and we can easily lose track of time.
In the past few months we have had quite a few additions to the fellowship also witnessing 3 baptisms which has really encouraged us. All three of these ladies have obviously come from different walks and we can clearly see the Lord doing a work in their lives. Friends, Los Angeles is a very difficult place to live and minister in. I feel deeply sorry for those who have grown up in this city especially when it comes to struggling with the questions of the meaning of life. There is much confusion in many hearts, lives and minds as to the importance of knowing the Creator, Christ Jesus. There are many who fall back into the world and we ask that you keep on praying for us for strength and for wisdom in our dealings.
After celebrating resurrection Sunday I’m reminded of the barbaric way in which Christ Jesus went to the cross and how He was brutalized to say the least so that each and every one of us may have life and life in abundance. The more I understand the cross and the depth of Christ’s sacrifice the more I realize our need for salvation and reconciliation to a Holy, Righteous, and Just God. I pray that each and every one reading this will grow nearer to Christ Jesus because of what happened at Calvary. The atonement and payment for sin will forever ring true in each person for eternity, no matter where one spends it. In the text above [Luke writing] the apostle Peter remind those in Jerusalem that “This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone” [Acts 4:10-12]. Because of the resurrection we can see that Peter knows and believes 100% that Christ lives and that He saves! He is the chief cornerstorne and saves all those who come to God through Him [Heb 7:25]. Remember friends, there is no salvation in any other name, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. It is only Christ Jesus who can save and bring fallen, rebellious, sinful, and hateful man into a relationship with God almighty because of the blood shed at the cross (Rom 5:9).
Remember, that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. May we really be reminded of this truth!
A few prayer requests:
Missionaries: please pray for our missionaries in Zimbabwe, Burma, and in China who are all struggling in various ways. Some with drought, some with civil war, and others with loneliness.
We recently met a new family from Albania who are missionaries and plant churches in Albania and surrounding countries, especially in Muslim predominant areas. It has been an amazing testimony of God’s goodness and we ask that you pray for Edi, his wife Bona [who has been very ill and has recently had a kidney transplant and recovering well by God’s grace], and their two boys Noel and Sion.
Evangelism: Please pray for our evangelistic efforts at Sun Valley Community Church and those in this area that we’re trying to reach with the gospel. We have one or two brothers that are really passionate about preaching the gospel and do so on a weekly basis in the streets, trains, highways, and byways. This environment can be extremely hostile and please keep all of us in your prayers.
Ministry: Then please pray for the ministry, the pastoral work, the preaching of the word, and the shepherding of the flock of the Lord Jesus Christ. It can be tiresome, and more often than not quite burdensome, and so I pray for strength for myself and for Kelly. Please always pray for our ministry back to those in South Africa, as well as the men’s and women’s Bible studies here in Sun Valley Los Angeles.
Some exciting news. Because we have many children at Sun Valley Community Church we have started apologetics classes teaching our children how to know who Jesus Christ is personally and equips them to defend their faith. Many adults have also joined the apologetic classes and I ask that you pray for wisdom and discernment in getting the children born again as well as instructing them in the ways of righteousness.
Marriage: please always pray for our marriage. It has been a blessing to grow nearer and nearer unto Christ Jesus in our marriage and He is strengthening us daily. As you know, the LORD loves and upholds marriage and has created this institution to display His glory through the family unit.
We send our love to each and every one of you and continue to pray for each one of you.
Eph 3:20-21: 20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.
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