The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul [Psalm 19:7a] I have recently been challenged to re/consider the Importance of the topic of Biblical Conversion. Many may have not heard of the word conversion from a biblical perspective, but it has a profound meaning and importance for every believer. The “church” has taken the word and discarded it and replaced it with something more “palatable.” Something in line with the seeker sensitive gospel, the health and wealth gospel, and anything else that tickles the ears of the hearer. This is why many pews are filled with the unsaved and the unconverted! Psalm 19:7 says, “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.” The word of God has the ability to “convert” and turn the soul back to believing on God, on His redemptive plan and His goodness. David pleads with the LORD in Psalm 51:12 to restore the joy of his salvation and uphold him by His generous Spirit. Once God granted his plea David says, “I will teach transgressors Your ways and sinners shall be converted to You.” Notice that sinners must be converted. Every single man and woman upon the face of this earth needs to be converted. In other words, conversion is that event where a change of heart and mind takes place through repentance and faith based on the Grace of God and the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ! The Lord Jesus confirms this when He says “unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” [Matt 18:3 ]. Very simply, all men everywhere are called to repent and turn away from sin, rebellion, and self-righteousness by the word of God in faith. The Apostles called on the Jews in Jerusalem [Acts 3:19 ] to “Repent and be converted so that their sins may be blotted out and that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” Paul and Barnabas also testified of how the Gentiles were being converted which caused immense joy among the brethren [Acts 15:3 ]. True to scripture everyone needs to repent and be converted and be forgiven of sin, washed and cleansed, and given the righteousness of Christ! Only then can we have true fellowship with God. Friends, this is Biblical conversion! Below are four aspects that shed more light on the topic: 1) Understanding. Everyone must comprehend the gospel before they can accept the gospel. The gospel is God’s message of redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says “without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins” [Heb 9:22 ]. The message is that of judgment, forgiveness, and hope. It is God’s judgment on sin whereby He graciously dealt with man’s dilemma of sin and separation from Him. It is only by repentance and faith in Christ’s atoning sacrifice that forgiveness, reconciliation, and the promises of redemption can be appropriated. It is through believing in the Incarnation, death, burial and resurrection of Christ that one is converted and regenerated by the Spirit. 2) Conviction & Persuasion. Conviction is a little trickier. We can gauge comprehension by asking people questions. Conviction is different. We are trying to persuade and assure the person within their heart and mind of the depth of sin. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin [John 16:8 ] and our desire should be to see people broken over sin. We want them to see Jesus as the Pearl of Great Price! This does not take five minutes. Conviction is an integral part of Biblical Conversion. 3) Commitment / Call. Commitment does not come through praying a prayer, raising a hand, walking an aisle, or signing a card. It is the result of serious conviction and turning to God in faith. The Bible says that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” [Prov 9:10 ]. This is where people are called to repentance and to place their faith and hope and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. It is about a commitment to Christ as followers where the cost is counted [Luke 14:25-33 ]. We seek to see discipleship and learning in the school of Christ. 4) Church / Fellowship. Finally, the Lord Jesus left behind one organization, the Church. The Bible clearly says that all Christians are to fellowship in His church and to never neglect it [Heb 10:25 ]. Each one is a member, has a role, and is seen by the Lord to have an integral part. Why wouldn’t we want to be a part of this glorious body, for which He died? May Jesus be glorified through 1) Repentance and Biblical Conversion and 2) His church! Turn to Christ today in love and obedience. Bro. Jeandre Fourie **The framework of this article was gleaned from the 4 C’s of Conversion. |
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